Creative Call to Actions

Creative Call to Actions


In this guide, learn tips for getting the click - either by having a strong CTA in your messenger greeting or in your initial pounce as a sales rep.

As a sales and marketing professional, you undoubtedly understand the importance of click rates. That’s why it’s important to utilize each and every facet of your sales and marketing products, especially Qualified. When your messenger interaction rates are high, it means your website visitors are paying attention. Something is drawing them in, making them want to click on that box and have a conversation with a sales representative.

When that happens, it’s huge! Why? Because that means more potential leads are having real-time conversations with your colleagues and getting to know your brand. So, how can you take those first steps toward getting website visitors to click on the Qualified Messenger? How can you draw them in?

Let’s start with those call to actions - how to make them effective

As someone on the administrative side of sales and marketing, a lot of your time and energy is frequently placed on creating call to actions (also known as CTAs) for your products.

When it comes to the first message visitors see on your site -- the Qualified custom greeting or custom question or a targeted pounce by a sales rep, your CTA should always attempt to get your website visitor to have a conversation with a sales rep. You can do this by starting off with a conversational hook, such as….

  • Hey there, friend!
  • Real-life human here! What can I help you with?
  • Pssst… click here to learn more about our products!
  • Chat with ________ now!

A conversational hook is the best way to show a website visitor the personality of your brand, right out of the gate. You don’t need to make your hook too fact, you shouldn’t. Aim to make it welcoming and helpful or personalized -- something that will pique a visitor’s interest but doesn’t come off so strong that it scares them away.

Tracking your call to actions - how to find what works best

It is true that depending on the mission and brand of the company, different call to actions will work better than others. That is why it is important to track the call to actions you put in your experiences or use to pounce on initial visitors, in order to figure out which ones lead to the highest click rates.

Make sure to A/B test your call to actions, to discover which ones are best for your brand. Your Qualified Success Architect can help you with this. Don’t be afraid to play around with the language you use in each of your experiences! These call to actions are meant to be intriguing and interesting, so it is a great way to show off your brand’s personality and connect with website visitors.

You can try using emojis or adding in personalization -- such as their company name or referencing their location that appears in the Qualified Visitor 360. If you have the availability to work with a copywriter, this would be a great opportunity to brainstorm ideas for best action-provoking copy.

From greeting to engagement - making sure the call to action leads to action

The whole point of the CTA is to make sure your visitors take action, right? That’s why conversational hooks should be catchy, something that leads to substantial engagement.

The entire goal of getting these clicks is to maximize engagement - once you get the click, the conversation needs to continue. Make sure the engagement is always progressing by asking questions and prompting your visitor to continue toward the next action.

At Qualified, we put a strong emphasis on building rapport with your website visitors - and really, that’s what this is all about. By building a strong foundation with conversational hooks and intriguing call to actions, you’ll draw in more potential prospects and build a base that could very well lead to a Closed Won opportunity.

Still Have Questions?

If you have any questions, feel free to chat with us using the Qualified app on this page or reach out to the Qualified technical support team.

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Creative Call to Actions

In this guide, learn tips for getting the click - either by having a strong CTA in your messenger greeting or in your initial pounce as a sales rep.

As a sales and marketing professional, you undoubtedly understand the importance of click rates. That’s why it’s important to utilize each and every facet of your sales and marketing products, especially Qualified. When your messenger interaction rates are high, it means your website visitors are paying attention. Something is drawing them in, making them want to click on that box and have a conversation with a sales representative.

When that happens, it’s huge! Why? Because that means more potential leads are having real-time conversations with your colleagues and getting to know your brand. So, how can you take those first steps toward getting website visitors to click on the Qualified Messenger? How can you draw them in?

Let’s start with those call to actions - how to make them effective

As someone on the administrative side of sales and marketing, a lot of your time and energy is frequently placed on creating call to actions (also known as CTAs) for your products.

When it comes to the first message visitors see on your site -- the Qualified custom greeting or custom question or a targeted pounce by a sales rep, your CTA should always attempt to get your website visitor to have a conversation with a sales rep. You can do this by starting off with a conversational hook, such as….

  • Hey there, friend!
  • Real-life human here! What can I help you with?
  • Pssst… click here to learn more about our products!
  • Chat with ________ now!

A conversational hook is the best way to show a website visitor the personality of your brand, right out of the gate. You don’t need to make your hook too fact, you shouldn’t. Aim to make it welcoming and helpful or personalized -- something that will pique a visitor’s interest but doesn’t come off so strong that it scares them away.

Tracking your call to actions - how to find what works best

It is true that depending on the mission and brand of the company, different call to actions will work better than others. That is why it is important to track the call to actions you put in your experiences or use to pounce on initial visitors, in order to figure out which ones lead to the highest click rates.

Make sure to A/B test your call to actions, to discover which ones are best for your brand. Your Qualified Success Architect can help you with this. Don’t be afraid to play around with the language you use in each of your experiences! These call to actions are meant to be intriguing and interesting, so it is a great way to show off your brand’s personality and connect with website visitors.

You can try using emojis or adding in personalization -- such as their company name or referencing their location that appears in the Qualified Visitor 360. If you have the availability to work with a copywriter, this would be a great opportunity to brainstorm ideas for best action-provoking copy.

From greeting to engagement - making sure the call to action leads to action

The whole point of the CTA is to make sure your visitors take action, right? That’s why conversational hooks should be catchy, something that leads to substantial engagement.

The entire goal of getting these clicks is to maximize engagement - once you get the click, the conversation needs to continue. Make sure the engagement is always progressing by asking questions and prompting your visitor to continue toward the next action.

At Qualified, we put a strong emphasis on building rapport with your website visitors - and really, that’s what this is all about. By building a strong foundation with conversational hooks and intriguing call to actions, you’ll draw in more potential prospects and build a base that could very well lead to a Closed Won opportunity.

Still Have Questions?

If you have any questions, feel free to chat with us using the Qualified app on this page or reach out to the Qualified technical support team.