Play: ABC- Always Be Confirming (the right) Next Steps

Play: ABC- Always Be Confirming (the right) Next Steps


In this play, see how you can make sure the next step you take is the right one- all within Qualified's Meeting Booker.

What is it? 

Select the right meeting type for your prospect within the Qualified Meeting Booker.

Why does it work?

Sometimes you only need fifteen minutes to qualify a prospect. Sometimes you may need a full thirty minutes to talk through their pain points. Other times you may need an hour to set up a demo for your AE. Regardless of how your conversation went, you can pick the right next step for your prospect. Remember, at qualified we’ve adapted ABC (always be closing) to ABC (always be confirming: next steps.) Confirm the right next step for your prospect so their journey to buy is seamless.

When should you use it? 

Every time you offer the Meeting Booker within Qualified, a default meeting type will be pre-filled. As a reminder, meeting type is not shown to prospects. Based on your conversation offer your prospect the right next step. Not seeing multiple meeting types? Check in with your Qualified Administrator or your Qualified Success Architect to see if this is something that would add value to your day.

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Play: ABC- Always Be Confirming (the right) Next Steps

In this play, see how you can make sure the next step you take is the right one- all within Qualified's Meeting Booker.

What is it? 

Select the right meeting type for your prospect within the Qualified Meeting Booker.

Why does it work?

Sometimes you only need fifteen minutes to qualify a prospect. Sometimes you may need a full thirty minutes to talk through their pain points. Other times you may need an hour to set up a demo for your AE. Regardless of how your conversation went, you can pick the right next step for your prospect. Remember, at qualified we’ve adapted ABC (always be closing) to ABC (always be confirming: next steps.) Confirm the right next step for your prospect so their journey to buy is seamless.

When should you use it? 

Every time you offer the Meeting Booker within Qualified, a default meeting type will be pre-filled. As a reminder, meeting type is not shown to prospects. Based on your conversation offer your prospect the right next step. Not seeing multiple meeting types? Check in with your Qualified Administrator or your Qualified Success Architect to see if this is something that would add value to your day.