3 Strategies to Maximize Pipeline with Piper the AI SDR

Piper the AI SDR is ready to join your team and generate pipeline. Discover 3 key strategies for how you can plug Piper into your business  and efficiently grow inbound pipeline.

Hi Laura! Piper here. Want to schedule time with your account executive?
Eileen Wu, Account Executive
Hi Okta team! Check out our recent event on AI for sales productivity.
Good evening Tom! I see you're checking out our pricing page. Any questions I can answer?

When should you hire Piper?

Piper can work alongside your SDRs, serve as the front line for engagement, or replace inbound SDR coverage on your website.

Piper Fills the Gaps

Visitors are coming to your website 24x7, but chances are you’re missing out on quality conversations. Your human SDRs are only available during working hours, plus they can’t be everywhere at once. Leverage Piper to scale interactions with qualified buyers so you never miss an inbound lead.

Piper for Off-Hours

Hire Piper to answer questions, surface offers, and book meetings outside of working hours: evenings, weekends, or holidays.

Your SDRs can’t work all the time. It’s not efficient to try to staff human live chat around the clock! You could be missing valuable chats from priority visitors when your SDRs are recharging. Piper works 24x7, giving you around-the-clock coverage.

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Hi Laura! I'm Piper, how may I help you today?
I have some questions about your pricing packages. Which plan is the right one for me?
Of course! Let's schedule a time with your dedicated account executive, Eileen.
Eileen Wu, Account Executive
Confirm 3:00 pm
3:30 pm

Piper for High Volume Website Traffic

Do you have too much website traffic for your SDRs to engage with? Hire Piper to engage with visitors from low-priority accounts or segments your SDRs can’t get to.

If you have a ton of website traffic, your inbound SDRs don’t have the bandwidth to connect with lower-tier visitors, and you’re missing out on potential pipeline. You can hire Piper to fill in the gaps. She can engage visitors from lower-tier accounts that could still convert, and your SDRs can handle real-time engagements with the top brass.

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Hi Matthew! I’m Piper the AI SDR. How may I help you today?
Hi! Do you have any helpful resources about corporate cards?
Here’s an ebook you might find helpful!

Piper on the Front Lines

Your SDR team is strapped for bandwidth. They might be responsible for handling inbound as well as going outbound to generate pipeline. You can hire Piper for all front-line engagement and qualification on your website, looping in your human SDRs at the highest priority moments.

Piper Target Account Handoff

Hire Piper to greet visitors from target accounts and handoff once engaged. This saves your reps time and gives your VIPs the white-glove treatment.

If you want to reduce the amount of time SDRs spend proactively engaging visitors from target accounts, you can put Piper on the front lines! She can greet visitors from target accounts at scale, then handoff to human reps once the visitor is engaged and ready to talk live.

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sends a greeting on behalf of Ethan
Hi Paul! I'm Piper, how may I help you today?
What are the differences between the Growth and Advanced plans?
routes conversation to Ethan
Great question. There are a few major differences based on number of users and level of support. Want to hop on a call to discuss?

Piper ICP Visitor Handoff

Hire Piper to engage and qualify visitors within your ideal customer profile (ICP) who are showing intent.

If you want to engage more visitors that fall within your ICP but don’t have enough SDR bandwidth to engage with them, you can put Piper on the front lines. She can prioritize & target ICP visitors showing intent, proactively engage, and book meetings directly for your AEs.

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Welcome back! Want to explore a free trial? Share your email with me and we can get started!
Thanks Jennifer! Looks like Conga is a strategic account for us. Would you like to set up some time with your account executive?
Eileen Wu, Account Executive
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3:30 pm

Piper Flies Solo

You might not have any inbound SDR resources, or you want to dedicate all of your SDR’s time to solely going outbound to drive more website traffic. Piper can serve as your sole inbound SDR, handling all proactive engagement, qualification, and nurturing of your visitors around the clock.

Piper 1-2 Punch

Hire Piper to convert website visitors driven by outbound sequences or cadences.

Your sales reps are driving valuable visitors to your website from outbound efforts, but they’re spread thin on time. With Piper flying solo on your website, she can greet visitors that click through Outreach or Salesloft emails with a contextual message, and handle conversion from there. Free up your sales reps to go outbound and drive visitors to your website - and let Piper handle the rest. 

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Hey Jane! Thanks for clicking through Jojo’s email.
Ready to see the same success that Gusto has? I’d be happy to help setup a meeting for you and Jojo to connect...
Jojo Morlidge, Account Executive
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3:30 pm
Great! You’re all set to meet with Jojo on Wednesday. Can I help you with anything else?

Piper All The Time

Hire Piper to handle inbound pipeline generation at scale.

If you’ve reduced your inbound SDR team entirely, or want to free up their time spent on chat, but still need to build more pipeline for your AEs, you can put Piper on all the time! She can handle it all at scale - identifying & segmenting website visitors, proactively engaging them with context, generating offers, and booking meetings around the clock. 

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Interested in AI for expense management? Check out our recent guide on how to leverage AI to control costs + drive growth.
Welcome Ezra! Thanks for checking out our email.
Would you like to discuss next steps on your trial? Let's schedule time with your account executive, Josh.
Josh Miller, Account Executive
Confirm 3:00 pm
3:30 pm
Hi Nalani! Exploring our implementation guide? Standing by if you have questions.
What’s the average time for implementation?
Implementation can vary based on user volume, but the average implementation range is 30 to 90 days. Would you like to connect with your Account Executive to learn more?
That’s great! Thank you.

The world's leading brands have hired Piper onto their teams

Piper is at the top of our leaderboard alongside our best SDRs, increasing both leads and meetings booked by 2x. She does all the heavy lifting so our team can focus on other high value activities. With Piper, we’ve been able to increase pipeline despite a smaller headcount. She’s incredible!

Joe Leverson
Group Head of Marketing Operations

With 24x7 engagement, we never miss a lead. Piper is constantly capturing pipeline and those deals have a 60% win rate. We’re continuing to book meetings while maintaining a high level of quality—and it’s happening automatically!

Nolan Mikowski
Marketing Manager, Demand Generation

Piper is real, tangible AI that’s helping my team scale. We have so much traffic on our website and Piper empowers us to convert these buyers into pipeline at all hours of the day. She’s pretty darn smart. If you’re a CMO, you must be using AI to generate pipeline, and Piper is the answer.

Scott Holden
CMO at Brex
Ready to see what Piper can do for you?

Whether she’s working alongside your SDRs or flying solo, Piper will supercharge pipeline 24x7.