Building Winning Sales Development Teams in the Age of AI

The future of your sales org is automated.

A few years ago we all joked that AI would come for our jobs, but today, the reality is that some roles make sense to let AI Workers handle. No little kid dreams of following up and circling back with prospects all day. Some roles are ripe for automation, freeing humans up to dream bigger and move faster.

In this guide, we’re helping sales and marketing leaders understand and prepare for the sales teams of tomorrow.

The Rise of the AI Workforce

The AI Workforce isn't coming. It’s here.

Labor has always been the biggest chunk of an organization’s operating budget, typically accounting for over 50% of a company’s spending. Humans are expensive–we know this.

Before AI, the Software market fueled the Labor market–you couldn’t operate the software you needed without headcount. But now, those markets are starting to overlap.

With AI Workers, labor comes built-in to the cost of your software, dramatically reducing company’s spend for roles that are easily automated.

What is an AI Worker?

And more importantly, what isn’t it?

Today’s AI models have a skillset that makes them excellent at taking roles that are focused on time-consuming, repetitive tasks that take up a large chunk of our days. These tools free the humans on your team up for bigger and better projects.  

We like to think of the AI technology you’ll be coming into contact with at work in two categories: The AI Copilot and the AI Worker.

AI Copilot vs. AI Worker

You’re likely already using AI Copilots in many facets of your work.  AI Copilots ride shotgun with human users to help guide your tasks from recommending actions to real-time copy editing. Tools like Grammarly and Lavender help guide you as you write emails to prospects. Sprout Social and LinkedIn have  features that help you tweak social media copy or schedule posts for optimal impressions. Gong uses AI to analyze your calls and make helpful suggestions.

The AI Worker, however, is a new breed of AI. AI Workers can take over a role autonomously without a human driver in the seat, saving your company time and cash.

AI Developer Copilot
Ride shotgun to make your engineer’s life easier.
Suggest improvements for your code within your editor
Answer questions from your org’s knowledge base
Generate descriptions and project updates as you work
Help identify bugs and issues when you’re stuck
AI worker Resume
AI Software Engineer
Autonomously deliver end-to-end apps.
Learn unfamiliar technology and utilize it
Build and deploy apps end-to-end unassisted
Autonomously find bugs and fix codebases
Train and fine-tune its own AI models without intervention
AI Copilots help you move faster, AI Workers take the entire role off your plate.

Thoughtfully automating with AI Workers

How to approach AI-first hiring by automating responsibly.

When it comes to what roles to automate on your team, the “AI is coming for our jobs” narrative needs some examining.

Hiring AI Workers doesn’t mean you're replacing every role within a team, it means you’re replacing the roles that are already on their way out and paving the way for new career paths.

AI Workers make sense in three key areas:

Entry-level roles

We’re on the precipice of an AI Worker boom for entry-level roles, but today there are several roles that can already be automated.

Coverage gaps

Dip your toe in with off-hours coverage gaps, keeping your business rolling on evenings, weekends, and holidays. AI Workers don’t have to hit the ground running during prime time. You can test their contributions and understand how they fit into your team first.

Backfilling where needed

Every month, 4 million workers in the US quit their jobs–it’s inevitable. You’re going to run into folks who move up into other roles, move into other departments, etc. Instead of hiring another person to backfill that role, hire an AI Worker and hold them accountable to the same quota and standards you would your human workers.

B2B Sales: The Future of Sales is Automated

The next major frontier for AI Workers is B2B sales.

Specifically, the Inbound sales function. We’re already seeing AI SDRs and Agents and Artisans–whatever you want to call them, AI Workers are ready to take over the front-line sales functions.

Here’s what your typical roles in a sales org looks like right now:

Account Executives
Quota-carrying rep responsible for maturing prospects through the sales funnel and closing deals.
Business Development Rep
Responsible for outbound prospecting and converting target accounts into quality pipeline.
Sales Development Rep
Responsible for converting inbound leads into quality pipeline.

You'll always need the touch of a human AE to close enterprise deals, though there are plenty of AI tools and Copilots that make the day-to-day operations of these more complex roles easier. But the SDR and BDR functions are ripe for automation. AI BDRs are already here–there are tons of companies automating outbound efforts, LinkedIn social selling, dialing, and email prospecting.  Same with AI SDRs–they aren’t just coming, they’ve arrived.

Inbound SDRs are entry-level sales roles for a reason–they’re often given to recent grads who just want to get their feet wet in the world of tech sales. It’s a stepping stone, one rife with redundant tasks, mundane admin work, and pressure from hungry AEs. A typical day in the life of an Inbound SDR is repetitive, filled with tasks that aren’t exactly exciting, and ripe for automation.

Inbound AI SDRs are going to take over these important but repetitive tasks. They can autonomously:

Serve up personalized experiences
Engage via chat and email
Quickly engage inbound leads
Flip MQLs into Stage 1 Pipeline
Intelligently reference lead data
Schedule meetings

Nothing generates more excitement in our SDR Leader events and discussions than AI! Some are nervous because much of the current day-to-day work can be automated, but I expect the outcome for human SDRs to be similar to other recent advancements in the profession. When things that do not require a human are automated, more time is freed up for activities that only a person can do.

Sam Nelson
the AI SDR

The Future of the SDR

SDRs aren’t going away today, but they won’t be here tomorrow.

As the lamplighters of the late 1800s would tell you–role replacement is the cost of innovation.  But those lamplighters didn’t cease to exist. They became electricians. Darkroom technicians became digital editors. Town criers became social media marketers.

The World Economic Forum predicts that by 2025, AI will lead to the creation of 97 million new jobs. When technological advancement kills one job, it gives life to a dozen more, and the same will be true with the future SDR Org structure.

the AI SDR

Piper is your new AI SDR, on a mission to convert your inbound traffic into qualified pipeline, 24/7, 365.

Meet Piper