With Piper the AI SDR and Qualified, Demandbase Increased Pipeline by 2X, Saved $80K in SDR Headcount

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When a VIP arrives, my reps can start a conversation instantly. We've increased pipeline by 150%!

With Piper the AI SDR and Qualified, Demandbase Increased Pipeline by 2X, Saved $80K in SDR Headcount

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increase in pipeline
hours saved per month for inbound SDR team
cost savings for SDR headcount
About the Company
Demandbase is the leading account-based GTM platform for B2B enterprises, helping marketing and sales teams tackle data and technology fragmentation that blocks insights and leads to ineffective, spammy outreach With Demandbase, teams gain Account Intelligence at every stage of the buyer journey, allowing them to seamlessly orchestrate actions across systems and channels, including advertising, account-based experiences, and sales motions. Demandbase has been named a Market Leader in Account-Based Marketing Platforms by Forrester, Gartner, and Research in Action. Today, Demandbase has grown to over 1,000 employees, supporting over 2,800 customers like IBM, TreviPay, and NetApp.
High Tech

In the first two months live with Piper the AI SDR, Demandbase doubled their pipeline and saved $80K in SDR headcount.

Demandbase struggled to generate quality pipeline from their website with their previous solution. After switching to Qualified, Demandbase doubled down on innovation with Piper the AI SDR and the PipelineAI platform. Demandbase uses Piper as the front line of engagement and qualification with visitors, AI Conversations for their sales reps to connect in real time with high-priority VIPs from target accounts, AI Meetings for frictionless meeting booking, and AI Offers for dynamic content offers and lead capture. In the first two months live with Piper the AI SDR and the PipelineAI Platform, Demandbase doubled their pipeline sourced by Qualified, doubled their meetings booked from their target accounts, saved over 100 hours per month for their inbound SDR team, and saved $80K in SDR headcount.

The Challenge

Prior to Qualified, Demandbase had been using a chat solution on their website, but ran into common challenges. 

  • The platform wasn’t tightly integrated with Salesforce, leading to an overall lack of high-quality leads coming through the website
  • It also didn’t integrate smoothly with Demandbase’s own platform, creating friction for their marketing and sales teams and hindering their ABM strategy.
  • Lack of proactive engagement with their previous platform, which left qualified pipeline on the table

Demandbase turned to Qualified to supercharge their inbound strategy and generate more pipeline from their website. Out of the gate, they saw immediate improvements:

  • Qualified provided a dedicated success architect to lead implementation and offer strategies for ongoing optimization.
  • Qualified solved Demandbase’s integration challenges with Salesforce by providing a more flexible integration infrastructure. 
  • Qualified’s integration with Demandbase’s platform allowed their team to see which in-market accounts surfaced by Demandbase Account Intelligence were hitting the website, and prioritize those accounts for outbound prospecting and advertising.

Demandbase’s marketing team started leveraging Qualified to automate chat experiences on their site. Through these experiences, they could offer relevant content, book time on their sales reps’ calendars, and connect their sales reps with visitors for real-time conversations. With the launch of Piper, Director of Digital Marketing Hannah Jordan saw a major opportunity to increase efficiency and generate more pipeline: "Qualified had quickly became our #1 marketing channel for inbound pipeline. We saw so much success with the platform - our team wanted to double down on innovation!”

The Solution

Demandbase hired Piper the AI SDR, to serve as the front line for proactive engagement at scale. Piper is deployed across the entire Demandbase site, engaging every visitor, and handing off high-priority visitors from target accounts to the inbound SDR team. This allowed Demandbase to shift their strategy with chat to increase efficiency for their human SDRs, saving their inbound sales team over 100 hours per month. 

Demandbase wanted to roll out the red carpet experience for visitors from target accounts. Before, Demandbase’s reps would get notified when a VIP visitor was on the site, and would jump in to proactively greet them - but this could get challenging. Reps were strapped for time, on meetings or discovery calls, and would miss the opportunity to connect. Now, Piper handles it all, reaching out to VIPs on the reps’ behalf, then looping them in for a conversation once the visitor has engaged. “This works perfectly with our ABM approach. We’ve seen huge time savings for our reps now that Piper has automated proactive engagement, but we still have that human touch for our target accounts.” 

Further, Piper handles engagement for all other visitors, now that human SDRs only focus on the highest priority visitors. She’s onboarded just like a Demandbase SDR, answering questions and nurturing visitors that might not be highest priority, but could still convert. “Before, our reps would have to proactively reach out to the visitor, get in touch, and be trained on how to answer any questions to move the conversation along - all of this takes time. We trained Piper to answer just like a human SDR, and now those interactions are all automated.” With Piper being so effective for Demandbase, she’s offset the cost to hire an additional inbound SDR, saving Demandbase $80K annually.

Piper proactively identifies and engages Demandbase's visitors with contextual messaging.

Demandbase also went all in with the entire Qualified PipelineAI Platform to generate additional pipeline. With AI Meetings, Demandbase now has Smart Buttons and Smart Forms deployed on product pages and the homepage to remove friction from the meeting booking process for qualified prospects or existing customers. “AI Meetings is a total game-changer. Piper answers questions from visitors intelligently, and they can book meetings directly with her, or seamlessly with our Smart Buttons.” With AI Offers, Demandbase’s marketing team has been able to easily serve content offers across their site to relevant audiences, like ABM workshops to visitors from target accounts. “We’ve seen a higher conversion rate with top of funnel leads with banners, like serving up registration for an event. We’ll serve targeted offers to visitors from target accounts, and these convert at a higher clip.” 

The Results

Today, Demandbase is using the Qualified PipelineAI Platform to drive more pipeline, and they’ve seen substantial results. 

In the first two months live with Piper and the entire platform, Demandbase saw a 2X increase in pipeline, 2X increase in meetings booked from their target accounts, and saved 100 hours per month for their inbound sales team. Additionally, using Piper has offset the cost of Demandbase’s need to hire an additional SDR, saving them $80K this year.

Comparing the last two months before implementing Piper to the first two months live, Demandbase saw an increase across every part of the funnel:

  • Piper increased engagement with visitors, increasing the number of conversations by 431%
  • Leads converted increased by 30%
  • Meetings booked increased by 37%
  • Meetings booked from target accounts increased by 2X

Hannah is ecstatic about the results with Piper: “Piper is amazing on the front lines. She engages all our visitors intelligently - and now we can reserve our reps’ time for visitors from high-priority accounts.”

Learn how Demandbase and other companies like Sendoso, NextGen Healthcare, Aiven, and more are scaling their inbound conversion with Piper here.

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