Qualified on Qualified:

Inbound Sales Playbook

Right now, leaving pipeline on the table is not an option. Learn from Qualified’s own powerhouse Inbound Sales team how they drive pipeline using the Pipeline Cloud.

Hey, Brent here from Qualified!
Can you help me drive more pipeline?
Absolutely! Here are my team's favorite plays.

The Intent Play


Digital Body Language

Using Live View, watch each visitor’s website behavior to understand what’s important to them before starting a conversation.

Hi Mark! Here to help answer any questions about our integration with Salesloft.
Thanks! I was wondering if you knew if admins would be able to dictate which fields were updated in Salesloft after engaging with chat and how?
Let’s hop on a video call and I can walk you through it.
Sure, let’s do it.

A known visitor who was Director of Marketing Ops clicked through to the Salesloft integration page and began slowly scrolling.


Brent sent a chat letting him know that he was available as a resource to help him better understand the Qualified for Salesloft integration specifics.


The visitor had a few detailed, technical questions, so Brent suggested a call. They jumped on a video call to discuss and scheduled a custom demo right after.


Qualified Signals

Understand which accounts are in research mode and see what they’ve been browsing on your site. Use that intel to start a conversation.

Feh - Dec 14th, 2:43pm
Hey William. Feh here from Qualified! I’m right here if you have any questions about Conversational ABM!
Woah, that’s awesome! I definitely do have some questions.
You got it. Let’s book a call to discuss!
Schedule a 30 minute meeting
Wednesday 12/17
11:30 pm
2:30 pm
4:00 pm

A visitor from a target account arrived on the site and Feh could see the account was On Fire in Signals with a lot of on site activity.


Feh looked at the Visitor 360 timeline and saw that the visitor recently viewed an ABM -focused webinar and our Conversational ABM page.


Feh pounced saying she was there to answer questions on Qualified’s Conversational ABM solution. William immediately replied, and booked intro call.

The Email Click Thru


Humor: Wordle for the Win

Use a fun pop culture reference or playful challenge to capture a prospects attention and drive them to the website.

Jared - Feb 14th, 12:43pm
Looks like I owe you some lunch but while we’re talking about LEADS do you want to set some time to learn about getting more of them from this exact process?
I’d be curious- I don’t have the time right now but want to learn more.
yeah no worries - you can book some time with my AE Mary and I for whenever you would be able to meet! Let me pull up her calendar booker
Schedule a 30 minute meeting
Wednesday 2/16
11:30 pm
2:30 pm
4:00 pm

Jared challenged a prospect to a game of Wordle. If she won, she got free lunch, if not, they booked an intro call.  She clicked through his email to play.


She guessed the word correctly via chat. Along with some friendly banter and establishing rapport, her curiosity about the product was piqued as well.


She expressed interest in learning more about Qualified and booked an intro call with Jared and her account’s assigned AE. A win-win.


Smile and Wave

Show you’re human by greeting prospects who click through your email with a smile and a wave using Qualified Video.

Hey Michelle, Ben here from Qualified! Thanks for clicking through my email...
I’m going to hop on video and show you I’m a real human.
Haha, wow! I’ve never been greeted on a website before. Would love to see how it works at some point this week.
You got it. Here’s my calendar to book a meeting
Enter a message

Ben outbounded to a prospect at one of his target accounts. When she clicked on the link, Ben got a voice alert that she’d clicked through his email.


Ben sent a chat, but using Live View, he saw her hover over the chat but she didn’t respond. He decided to turn on Qualified Video and greet her with a smile and wave.


She immediately engaged and said she’d never had a website experience like that before and wanted to know how it worked! They got a meeting booked for later that week.


Friendly Wager

Use a personalized “Friendly Wager” around your prospects’ alma mater to stand out and earn a meeting.

Jared - Feb 14th, 12:43pm
Hey Robert, Jared here from Qualified! I see you got my email.
Hi! I loved your creative approach and I am ready to learn more about Qualified.
Fantastic! Here’s my calendar and I look forward to discussing how Qualified can help your business succeed.
Schedule a 30 minute meeting
Inbound Sales Rep
meeting booker
2:30 pm
3:00 pm
Confirm 3:30 pm
4:00 pm

To draft a  personalized email to a target prospect, Robert, Jared searched for a stand-out detail on LinkedIn. He saw that Robert was a University of Michigan alumni and football fan.


Jared sent Robert a “Friendly Wager.” If Purdue won the upcoming game, Robert would  take a call with Qualified. If Michigan won, Jared would send him some Michigan football swag.


Robert clicked through his email and Jared pounced, asking if he’s up for the wager. He responded saying he loved the creative approach and would take the meeting regardless.

The Inbound Machine


Search Engine Marketing (SEM) Ads

See which ads prospects click through to gauge what they are interested in and frame the conversation.

Nick - Jan 13th, 2:13pm
I see you’re searching for “conversational selling” — I might be able to provide some insight...
Hey! Yes, I am looking for a conversational tool to help us with pipeline generation.
You’ve come to the right place!
How did you know the specific ad I clicked through? That’s cool.
Oh, nice! Happy to show you, if you want to book some time? It’s baked in our product.
Let’s do it!

Nick saw a visitor in the High Intent Paid Ads stream who clicked on a Google Search ad. He could see she had searched for ”conversational selling”.


Using the info from Qualified for Advertising, Nick crafted a message referencing her specific google search, asking if she wanted to learn more about  Conversational Selling products.


The prospect was impressed by how on the nose his message was. After asking a few questions, Nick was able to book an intro call for the following week.


The Event Conversion

Using Salesforce campaign history, start a conversation based on which of your company’s events prospects have recently attended.

Feh - Feb 14th, 12:43pm
Hey John! Feh here, from Qualified.
What did you think of our World Tour Session, “How Demand Gen Teams Grow Pipeline with the Pipeline Cloud”?
Hey, how’d you know that?! It was a great session. I chatted with Sarah, your VP of Demand Gen afterward. I’m just checking out Qualified now that I’m home from the event.
Sarah’s a great speaker! I’m glad you found it helpful. Let me know if you have any questions about Qualified. Here to help.
Enter a message

A Marketing Manager who’d attended a Salesforce World Tour event and went to one of Qualified’s sessions visited the website a few days after the event.


Feh saw his campaign history so chatted him with a contextual hook. She asked him how the event was and what his thoughts on Qualified’s session were.


Won over by the specificity of Feh’s message, they proceeded to have a productive conversation that later resulted in a booked meeting via email.

The Deal Accelerator


Hot Pass: SDR + Account Executive

Roll out the red carpet for prospects in open opportunities and “pass” them to their AE for deal acceleration.

Brent - Dec 14th, 2:43pm
Hey Megan! Brent here from Qualified. I see you had a demo with Caroline. How did it go?
Hi! It went really well. I was impressed with what I saw and I would like to know more about pricing and what kind of support we can expect.
That’s great to hear! Let me connect you with Caroline and she’ll walk you through what pricing plan fits your needs best.
Caroline joined the conversation
Hi Megan, what questions can I answer?
Enter a message

A Contact from an Account with an open Opportunity was scrolling the pricing page. Based on their Salesforce history, Brent could see that the Account had received a demo the day before.


Brent pounced, sending a personalized message asking how their demo went with Caroline (AE) and asked if she had any additional questions. Megan quickly engaged.


Megan had a follow up question about pricing.  Brent “hot passed” the conversation seamlessly to Caroline without Megan ever leaving the chat, helping progress the deal to the next Stage.


The Closed Lost Win Back

Use chat history to understand why an opportunity was lost and pick up the conversation where it left off.

Nick - Dec 14th, 2:43pm
Hi Steve! Welcome back to Qualified!
Hello Brent, happy to be back. We’re considering implementing Qualified since we recently upgraded our tech stack and our web traffic is through the roof.
Wonderful news! Below is my calendar if you’d like to schedule some time for us to talk.
Inbound Sales Rep
meeting booker
3:00 pm
3:30 pm
Confirm 4:00 pm
4:30 pm
Enter a message

A Digital Marketing Manager at an account with a closed-lost opportunity from the year prior arrived on the Qualified Conversations product page. Nick saw they had chat history.


Scrolling up, Nick saw before they wanted to implement a conversational solution, but their tech stack, website traffic, and size of their SDR team wasn’t a good fit.


Nick, continuing the conversation, welcomed him back to Qualified. He eagerly booked a meeting indicating they now had the appropriate tech stack, website traffic, and SDR count to continue discussions.

The Deal Accelerator


The Demo + Pounce

Uncover who is on your site during a demo and blow them away with a personalized message.

Feh - Dec 14th, 2:43pm
Hey Stephanie! I see you’re in a demo with Henry. I hope it’s going well.
Here for you if you have any questions throughout. :)
Hey! Thanks for reaching out! So far so good! This chat made it better.
Aw. We’re all about a 5-star experience at Qualified.
Enter a message

A visitor from an account with an open opportunity came to the site. Feh looked at the opportunity in Salesforce and saw the next step was set for a demo with Qualified AE, Henry, at the exact time.


Feh knew this meant the visitor was in the middle of receiving a demo and the visitor was one of the main Champions on the deal.


She greeted the visitor by name and offered assistance. This VIP experience enhanced the quality of the demo and contributed to the deal closing down the line.


The LinkedIn Location Lookup

Identify unknown visitors by triangulating their location, company, and role in a matter of moments.

Ben - Feb 28th, 2:45pm
Hi there! I noticed that someone from your company is on our website.
You’re located in Salt Lake City and you’re the VP of Marketing, am I right?
Yes, that’s correct.
Thanks for confirming! Let me know if I can answer any questions for you.
How’d you knew who I was?
Happy to show you, if you want to book some time?
Enter a message

Ben got an alert that a visitor from a target account was on the site. Using the Qualified  reverse IP lookup feature he knew which account the visitor was from and their location.


Ben used LinkedIn to find an employee working at that account in Salt Lake City. He discovered a VP of Marketing based there and asked her to confirm if his guess was correct.


Wanting to know how he knew that information, she asked if he could show her how the product worked and booked their first call of the opportunity.

Quick Demo?

Start driving more pipeline using these Inbound plays and the Pipeline Cloud today

See how the #1 pipeline generation platform for Salesforce can help you grow pipeline.
Watch a Demo