With Piper the AI SDR, NextGen Healthcare Eliminated Missed Requests

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When a VIP arrives, my reps can start a conversation instantly. We've increased pipeline by 150%!

With Piper the AI SDR, NextGen Healthcare Eliminated Missed Requests

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pipeline sourced in eight months
revenue sourced in eight months
missed chat requests since Piper go-live
About the Company
NextGen Healthcare, Inc. is a leading provider of innovative healthcare technology and data solutions, reimagining ambulatory healthcare with award-winning EHR, practice management and surround solutions that enable providers to deliver whole-person health and value-based care. NextGen’s highly integrated, intelligent, and interoperable solutions increase clinical quality and productivity, enrich the patient experience and drive superior financial performance.

With the entire Qualified Platform, NextGen sourced $7.5M in pipeline and $690K in revenue in eight months. With Piper the AI SDR, NextGen eliminated missed chat requests for their inbound SDR team.

NextGen Healthcare, a longtime customer of Qualified, faced challenges with inbound chat volume, missing 1,400 requests and losing $60K in potential revenue. To scale their efforts, they implemented Piper the AI SDR to fill in coverage gaps for their inbound SDR team. With Piper, NextGen eliminated missed chats requests, and with the entire platform, NextGen sourced $7.5M in pipeline and $690K in revenue within the last eight months.

The Challenge

NextGen Healthcare has been a longtime customer of Qualified, using the full platform across AI Conversations, AI Meetings, AI Offers, and AI Signals to increase inbound conversion across their site. Before using Piper, NextGen’s team of inbound SDRs were using Qualified to have real-time conversations with prospects on the site to drive pipeline, which became an effective channel. 

The challenge was scale. NextGen’s SDR team was strapped for bandwidth, fielding inbound from both the website and other channels. One of the areas for improvement was with missed chats - NextGen’s SDR team had missed 1400 inbound chat requests on the site in 12 months, which netted out to an additional $60K in potential revenue left on the table.

Director of Digital Marketing Stacy State knew the solution was hiring Piper the AI SDR. “There were two ways to solve for this. Either hire more SDRs, which means more headcount investment, or scale with automation and AI. Using Piper to fill in this coverage gap was the answer for us!”

The Solution

NextGen hired Piper onto their inbound SDR team, and implementation was easy. Working with their QSA, Stacy and her team fed Piper all of the content and knowledge she needed, like the website and other enablement content, and tested her responses in AI Studio to ensure accuracy.  

After testing, Piper was added as a fallback option to the chat experience on NextGen’s site if no SDR was available to connect with a visitor. Now, Piper can jump in and answer any questions or book meetings if their human SDRs aren’t able to field the inbound chat request. This eliminated missed inbound chat requests for NextGen, and they’ve sourced $7.5M in pipeline and $690K in revenue with the entire Qualified platform since January 2024. 

Stacy’s team began to deploy Piper to other experiences across the site, because Piper can identify visitors and proactively have conversations at scale. Now, NextGen has the option to “Chat with AI” in their default chat experience, so visitors can get their questions answered fast. Piper also works great alongside the other parts of the Qualified platform on NextGen’s site, like AI Meetings. Visitors get their questions answered by Piper, and it drives them to book a meeting. "With the combination of Piper filling in the gaps, real-time conversations for our reps, and Meetings, our website is now a frictionless experience."

Piper the AI SDR jumps in when no human rep is available, booking meetings on behalf of SDRs.

The Results

After hiring Piper to scale inbound chat and fill in coverage gaps for their SDR team, NextGen is seeing incredible results. Here are the highlights:

  • 1400 →  0 missed inbound chat requests with Piper, representing an additional $60K in potential revenue
  • $7.5M sourced pipeline with the entire platform in last eight months
  • $690K sourced revenue with the entire platform in last eight months

Learn how other companies like Demandbase, Cin7, Freshbooks, and more are scaling their inbound conversion with Piper here.

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