NextGen Healthcare generates $7.5M in influenced pipeline with Piper the AI SDR

Learn how Piper the AI SDR fills the gaps on NextGen Healthcare's team and generates pipeline around the clock.

NextGen Healthcare generates $7.5M in influenced pipeline with Piper the AI SDR
Shelly Weaver
Shelly Weaver
September 12, 2024
min read
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Stacy State, the Director of Digital Marketing at NextGen Healthcare shares the massive success her team has seen since implementing Piper the AI SDR

The highlights from the last 8 months: 

  • $7.5M in pipeline sourced
  • $690k in revenue sourced
  • Eliminated missed chats (1400 missed requests in previous 12 months before Piper)
  • $60k in potential additional revenue

Stacy shared her company's journey to automation with Dan Darcy, our Chief Customer Officer at Piperfest. Their path to Piper the AI SDR (Qualified’s inbound Sales Development Representative), offers some insightful takeaways for any business looking to streamline efficiency with similar technological integrations.

Why did NextGen Healthcare automate their inbound pipeline generation?

Stacy wasn't shy about sharing the real challenges her team faced. Managing live chats turned out to be a Herculean task for their SDRs. In fact, they were so overwhelmed that they wound up missing over 1400 chat requests in the 12 months before onboarding with Qualified.

The team had two viable solutions to choose from–either hire more SDRs or implement an automated technology like Piper. Eventually, they decided to bring in Piper, a decision that Stacy emphasized was not just beneficial, but very straightforward to implement.

The Results? A Piper Power-Up

The onboarding of Piper into their team wasn't an all-at-once affair but a staged process. They started by incorporating Piper in select experiences before widening her scope of work. The outcome? A completely transformed arena where missed chats are now a thing of the past. Piper the AI SDR is available round the clock, ensuring every interaction is captured and catered to.

Stacy revealed the striking impact Piper had on their pipeline targets. Thanks to the Piper's always-on hard work, they were able to rack up approximately $690,000 in revenue, a whopping $7.5 million influenced pipeline, and $60,000 in additional revenue potential.

Regardless of your business size or needs, Piper's story with NextGen Healthcare proves that automation can indeed transform your bottom line while improving efficiency.

Click here to see how Piper fits into your org no matter what stage you're in.

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