The ultimate guide to hiring and onboarding an AI SDR

Hiring an AI SDR requires a deep understanding of how AI SDRs fit into your sales team, what they should be held accountable for, and a thoughtful onboarding strategy to ensure success.

The ultimate guide to hiring and onboarding an AI SDR
Shelly Weaver
Shelly Weaver
October 7, 2024
min read
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The world of sales is rapidly evolving and AI is quickly becoming an indispensable tool for sales teams of all sizes. One of the most promising ways we're seeing the power of AI harnessed is the AI SDR, or AI Sales Development Representative.

AI SDRs can automate many of the tedious and repetitive tasks that human SDRs perform, freeing up their time to focus on more strategic and high-value activities. But what does it look like to actually bring one of these AI SDRs onto the team? 

What is an AI SDR?

An AI SDR is a software program powered by artificial intelligence that automates various aspects of sales development. They can engage with leads, qualify them based on pre-defined criteria, and even book meetings with potential customers, all while providing a personalized experience.

Currently, AI SDRs specialize in either Outbound or Inbound pipeline generation.

  • Inbound AI SDRs: These AI systems engage with prospects who have already expressed interest. They handle tasks such as live chat interactions, email follow-ups, and scheduling meetings with website visitors. Inbound AISDRs are designed to be knowledgeable about the company’s products and services and capable of guiding prospects through the initial stages of the sales funnel.
  • Outbound AI SDRs: These systems focus on initiating contact with potential customers who have not yet interacted with the company. They perform tasks like researching target accounts, finding contact information, and crafting personalized outreach messages. The goal is to break into new accounts and generate new leads.

Why hire an AI SDR?

Before you hire an AI SDR, it’s essential to understand the "why" behind this decision. There are plenty of things to consider when evaluating if an AI SDR is right for your team! 

  • Increased efficiency: AI SDRs can work around the clock without breaks, processing high volumes of leads quickly and efficiently. They can engage with leads faster, especially crucial in implementing the "five-minute rule," which states that responding to a lead within five minutes increases the likelihood of converting them into a sales opportunity by 20 times.
  • Improved lead qualification: AI SDRs can analyze lead data from various sources like CRM, marketing automation platforms, and website interactions to determine lead quality based on your ideal customer profile. This ensures human SDRs can focus on leads with the highest potential.
  • Personalized engagement: AI SDRs can craft personalized emails, engage in real-time conversations via chat, and suggest relevant offers based on lead behavior and preferences, creating a more engaging and tailored buying experience.
  • Eliminate data entry and ensure hygeine: AI SDRs can automatically update CRM systems with lead interactions and conversations, ensuring data hygiene and eliminating the risk of manual errors.

How to hire an AI SDR: A step-by-step guide

Hiring an AI SDR is not as simple as choosing the first option that pops up on your search engine. It's like recruiting for a critical role in your team, requiring careful consideration and a strategic approach.

Any AI SDR you consider needs to be able to accomplish a key set of actions to be a truly effective piece of your tech stack. Click here for our AI SDR Hiring Guide to help you as you evaluate the available options on the market and keep the following steps in mind for successfully onboarding an AI SDR: 

  1. Thorough onboarding is key: Just like a human SDR, an AI SDR needs to be trained on your brand, messaging, and ideal customer profile. This involves feeding the AI SDR with your marketing materials, FAQs, pricing information, product capabilities, and even things to avoid mentioning. Think of it as putting your AI SDR through a comprehensive "bootcamp" to ensure they understand your business inside and out.
  2. Set clear goals and KPIs: Define what you want your AI SDR to achieve. Is it booking a specific number of qualified meetings per month? Increasing engagement rates on your website? Or improving lead response time? Setting specific and measurable goals will help you track the AI SDR's performance and measure ROI.
  3. Prioritize holistic integration: Your AI SDR should seamlessly integrate with your existing sales and marketing tech stack. This includes your CRM, marketing automation platform, chat software, and any other tools your team uses daily.
  4. Ensure multi-channel engagement: The modern buyer journey spans multiple touch points. Your AI SDR should be able to engage with leads across different channels, such as email, chat, and potentially even social media.
  5. Look for personalization capabilities: The ability to personalize interactions is crucial for any successful SDR, and AI SDRs are no exception. Ensure your chosen AI SDR can tailor its messaging based on lead data, behavior, and preferences.
  6. Data hygiene and workflow integration: Your AI SDR should be able to update lead information and activity in your CRM in real-time, ensuring data hygiene and seamless workflows for your sales team. This eliminates the need for manual data entry and reduces the risk of errors.
  7. Don't forget about routing: Ensure the AI SDR can route leads to the correct sales representative based on pre-defined criteria. This prevents leads from being bounced around and ensures a positive experience.
  8. Hold them accountable: Hold your AI SDR to the same standards as your human SDRs. Regularly monitor its performance, provide feedback, and make adjustments as needed.

The future of AI in sales

AI is already revolutionizing the B2B marketing and sales world, and AI SDRs are leading the charge. By automating tasks, improving efficiency, and providing valuable insights, AI SDRs are empowering sales teams to focus on what they do best: building relationships and closing deals.

To hear more about how AI is changing the way we generate pipeline, check out our deep dive on the death of the traditional MQL model here.

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